We are in very strange times as I write this article but then, most of the articles I have written in 2020 have been during the Covid pandemic. Many of us have re-evaluated our lives over the last 6 months and looked at what is really important to us, and it is certainly not material possessions – the house we live in, the cars we drive, the holidays we have. It is time with our families and friends, and those whose lives we touch and help along the way. Having been running online networking events since the pandemic hit, it really warms my heart as to how good the relationships that have been built have been. I don’t think any of us realised quite how good online networking was going to be. In some way the relationships that have been built are better than they were before we moved everything online. More one to ones have been conducted and we have all got to know each other so well, and I am truly grateful for that, and thank everyone who has been part of it. 

The pandemic gave us all an opportunity to run our businesses so different from what we had done previously and many of us – me included – really did not know how effective it was going to be. I think we have all enjoyed helping each other – and so many have given their time for free. It has been a mission for us all to help each other through this process.

Many of you who will read this article know I had owned and run an advertising agency from 1987 through to the sale and exit in 2019, and I understood how important my “team” was – unlike so many businesses during the pandemic who had no communication with their furloughed staff during this whole process. Until a week ago I was not able to properly say goodbye to two of the most important people in my business and I wanted to share some of their words to me which really touched my heart.

“You created years of fun in the office, and the outings we had – concerts, days at the races, Henley, Tennis – I could keep going. You have held the business together through challenges as well. Your strength of character and determination has allowed you to keep going and come through with success. Its always been a pleasure to have worked for you. You should look back on it all and be proud”.

“Thank you for all the support and goodwill you have shown to me over the years. The memories will never be forgotten. You were not just a colleague but a friend too. Wishing you every success in this new journey and next chapter of your life fighting the crusades”

Please look after each other and if you have staff, I really hope they would write words about you like Jane and Sarah have about me. Relationships are everything and a massive key to your success in life. 

If you need any help with your business and need someone on your side to help you fight the battles ahead, give me a call. It can be a lonely place as a business owner and to have someone with you who understands what you are going through and have been where you are is invaluable.



This article was first published on LinkedIn by Richard Knight on 01/11/2020